And you live your life with your arms stretched out.
Eye to eye when speaking.
Enter rooms with great joy shouts,
happy to be meeting.
And bright,
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.
-the innocence mission
The sun seems to be the brightest on the coldest winter days. Today is one of those days, and I can feel myself lightened by the yellow sunlight filtering in through the windows. There is a warm glow that is beginning to fill all the corners of the house. A vase of yellow roses on the dining room table... I take one out and hand it to August, his tiny hands holding the flower, offering it back to me. My heart melts. We turn on some music and dance around the room.
I am wearing my new yellow sweater that I bought for ten dollars on an impossibly grey day, and the locket Steve gave to me for my birthday.
Sometimes it's the simplest things that can turn me around, make me smile... restore hope. I am prone to feeling blue lately, and grey too as winter drags on... but, today I want to be bright as yellow.
ali --- that is possibly my all-time favorite song in the whole world. it has been with me for nearly 15 years....
Just saw you posted this Tia... LOVE that song. I've been listening to there music for about that long too:)
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